Kumusta Health

100% Pure Organic Moringa Oleifera Products

It’s often called the “The Miracle Tree” or the “Tree of Life.” - Time Magazine 2017

100% Pure Moringa Oleifera Leaf Powder

25% plant protein including all 9 essential amino acids

The most nutritious plant nature has to offer

A rich source of iron, vitamin A & vitamin K, vitamin E, calcium & magnesium

100% Pure Organic Moringa Seed Oil

Packed with antioxidants that slow the aging process down and help curb the activity of free radicals

Blog posts

6 Science-Based Health Benefits of Moringa oleifera

6 Science-Based Health Benefits of Moringa oleifera

Moringa oleifera is a plant that may offer health benefits, including reducing your risk of certain health conditions like high blood pressure. ...


Parcels destined to all regions of the U.S.A. & Canada continue to be delivered. Changes to USPS operations and delivery processes to prote...
I originally purchased moringa to help boost my milk supply and it worked! I noticed an increase about 3 days after taking it. I was worried I wasnt going to like the taste, but I actually make moringa hot tea, add a little honey and it's delicious! I also have noticed I feel more energized and healthier. Having a new baby and nursing was taking a toll on my body but this moringa have definitely helped me feel so much better. -Vivianna Salazar
I'm really happy I came across Moringa. I was told it can help with milk production. It totally does. I was able to pump 7 ounces in on session not to mention the fact I feel like I have more energy. I've only been taking it for just under a week. -Amanda Libby
I want to write to say how this product has helped me. I notice a difference on days that I don't use the product, I feel drained by 3pm, and when I use it with my breakfast, I have energy all day. Even my daughter asks for moringa in her yogurt in the mornings. This is a good product that is good for the whole family. - Amanda Keller Pitchford
You get out of your body what you put into it. Kumusta Moringa is the best thing I've added to my diet. I always feel energized when I take it and not to mention all the amazing health benefits moringa has! - Alexis Castillo